11757 Katy Freeway
Houston, TX 77079
Suite 1500
P: 281.493.3491
F: 281.493.3493

Thank you for your interest in our scholarships. The universal application for 4-Year Baccalaureate, Community College and Graduate Students is NOW OPEN for the 2024-25 academic school year.
Things to know!
The online Scholarship Application is NOW OPEN for the 2024 - 2025 academic year for 4-Year Baccalaureate students, Graduate students, Community College/2-Year Technical Programs, and Associate degree students and graduating High School seniors pursuing ME/MET degrees and closely related disciplines.
An ASME student membership is required to login to the online application system. Join ASME or Renew your membership.
Applicants must be accepted and later enrolled in Associate, Baccalaureate or graduate degree programs for the academic year starting September 1, 2024. Associate degree programs at community/technical colleges or international programs holding Regional/National Accreditation are accepted. Baccalaureate programs at domestic colleges/universities must hold ABET accreditation.
Applicants must be full-time unless they are within two semesters of graduation when enrolled in a 4-year Baccalaureate program.
Applicants can be part-time at a community college, 2-year technical college or associate degree program.
ASME Scholarships have only one application to complete for all scholarships. Students must apply again each year.
Watch video tutorial for helpful tips to complete your application. A supplemental resource is available.
*ASME Scholarships have only one application to complete for all scholarships. This is a Universal application that ensure's you are applying for every available applicable scholarship, saving time when applying for scholarships. Students must apply again each year.
Expand the engineering workforce pipeline consistent with ASME’s objectives
Encourage continuing participation and leadership in ASME
Enable outstanding mechanical engineering students in financial difficulty to graduate.
Support the education for students whose application shows potential for that student to contribute to the advancement of the art, science and practice of ME and MET or closely related engineering fields